Equine Reproductive Services (UK)
Tel: +44 (0)1653 668190
A general equine first opinion and referral veterinary practice specialising in equine reproductive and stud medicine
These pages are designed to give you an idea of where we offer our services from and where we may be in relation to you. The studs page features an interactive map that allows you to select the type of stud from artificial insemination centre or stallion collection centre to studs with stallions and those catering for, or experienced with, Thoroughbred mares. The map will link you to our clients own stud websites/pages, so you can see what they have to offer you in terms of stallions and breeding options.
The stallions page is in development. It is our aim to allow our clients to see what stallions we work with or support by discipline and what stallions our clients are offering via natural cover, fresh, chilled or frozen semen artificial insemination. If you wish us to offer services for your stallion(s) or for frozen semen, please contact us.