Equine Reproductive Services (UK)
Tel: +44 (0)1653 668190
A general equine first opinion and referral veterinary practice specialising in equine reproductive and stud medicine

Here you will find information on our terms of business and the breeding schemes we offer. Equine Reproductive Services (UK) are also supporting the keeping Britain’s horses healthy (KBHH) campaign to improve preventative healthcare and reduce infectious disease. We will keep you updated about upcoming plans for the annual horse health week and any other important or interesting developments. The KBHH website has some useful and interesting information so if you are interested please click on the KBHH logo and visit their site.
In time, we will put some useful client information sheets and articles here to be read and download if you wish. In the meantime, below is an article that James and Jonathan wrote in the ‘Veterinary Times’ on embryo transfer in horses.